Off Road Defensive Driving
As part of QGMI’s commitment to improve
the capacity of its driver competence and to fulfill the training needs of
company drivers, iCapacity Resource Limited was contracted to complete a
defensive driving training with focus on light and heavy vehicles. The
defensive driving training added to the competence, knowledge and skills of the
drivers in the handling of light and heavy-duty vehicles. The training put the
drivers in a better preparation to effectively respond to any urgency that may
arise in driving situations, efficiently develop the principles of driving in
terrain and rough conditions, carrying out appropriate checks before driving on
rough road conditions and to understand the vehicle mechanisms in a terrain and
rough road environment. The methodology used during the 2-day training delivery
was the get-them-involved approach. This process aims at getting the drivers
participate to enable them learn, re-learn and unlearn vehicle handling /
driving behaviours practices that are not defensive.
iCR recommends refresher training and advanced training to maintain and improve driver confidence and capacity.
The aim of this training is to empower the drivers with knowledge and skills that will permit them drive safely and effectively. At the end of this session participants are to have an understanding of the following:
To respond to urgency
of driving situations
To efficiently develop
the principles of driving in terrain and rough road conditions
To carry out
appropriate checks before driving on terrain and rough road conditions
To understand the
vehicle mechanisms in a terrain and rough road environment
DAY 1.
On the first day, a classroom
section was held to get to know the drivers both light and heavy-duty vehicles,
delegates were thought the strengths and weaknesses of both systems. Some of
the few activities that occurred were; brief introduction of both vehicles by
delegates. The interactive class sought to give general and brief details of
both types of vehicles.
The training covered
the presentation of an in-depth explanation of defensive driving based on the
course content.
After the classroom
section on Day 1, light duty vehicle drivers were allowed to have a practical
section on site to demonstrate how they can drive in muddy areas, cross pool of
water, drive on mountain top safely, etc to test their understanding for the
classroom section.
DAY 2.
On the second day, a test was conducted to access the performance of the drivers after which a field visit was planned for the heavy-duty drivers to train them practically based on the course content
iCapacity Resource Ltd has been conducting several certification trainings since 2016. Due to the experience gathered over the years from consulting, training and audit in industries ranging from oil and gas, construction, telecommunication, mining and etc, we have adopted a “GET THEM INVOLVED” mode of tutoring because, we believe adult learners retain information thoroughly and for a longer period of time when they can interact with the trainer, themselves and with the training materials to create a virtual learning experience that can be migrated to the field of work. Throughout the training session, participants were given the chance to add to their knowledge emergency procedures, off-road terrains and ask practical questions. This called for more practical demonstrations in their various workplaces.
Participants can understand the
vehicle mechanisms in all terrains such as overheating
Participants can respond to
urgency of driving situations such as overheating
Participants are knowledgeable on
the use of four-wheel drive in the L4 position with ease
Drivers of heavy duty and
trailers have been informed on the impact of reversing into awkward position
and manoeuvring with the window glass down and the radio off
Participants also have sufficient
knowledge on how to scan the road and also understand the dashboard light
Participants now have an in-depth
understanding in the field of highway anti robbery tips
Participants have been informed and
understood why they should work(drive) with each other’s safety in mind
Drivers for light duty vehicles
can now identify water level indicator on their cars for assessment
· Participants also have an in-depth knowledge on how they can access a site during an obstruction like rain, pool of stagnant water etc with confidence and courage before taking a decision
engagement with a competent person to advice on Defensive Driving. This would
be prudent in regards to help drivers grasp fresh concepts, constant improved
techniques and skills in driving safely at all times.
must have intensive training on the legislative instruments and the roads act
of Ghana
must understand in-depth of highway robbery and attack in connection with
driving security
The off-road defensive driving training was extremely successful as iCapacity Resource Company Ltd was able to exceed the expectations of the trainees, we do appreciate the opportunity and the good welcoming gestures of the company. We hope to arrange an in-depth training for all drivers to correct the problems which have been identified. We also exist to provide for you all your training needs.